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Translation examples

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This text shows glimpses of Christianity in the first centuries of its existence, in his own words.

-Clement of Rome writes around the year 96:
We know many among us who have given themselves up to bonds, in order that they might ransom others. Many, too, have surrendered themselves to slavery, that with the price that they received for themselves, they might provide food for others.

-Letter to Diognetus, sometime in the years 125 to 200:
Christians are distinguished from other men neither by country, nor language, nor the customs which they observe […] They pass their days on earth, but they are citizens of heaven. They obey the prescribed laws, and at the same time, they surpass the laws by their lives. They love all men, and are persecuted by all.

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This text shows glimpses of Christianity in the first centuries of its existence, in his own words.

-Clemente de Roma escribe hacia el año 96:
Conocemos a muchos entre nosotros que se han entregado a las ataduras, para poder rescatar a otros. También son muchos los que se han entregado a la esclavitud, para que con el precio que recibían por ellos mismos, pudieran proporcionar alimento a otros.

-Carta a Diogneto, en algún momento de los años 125 a 200:
Los cristianos no se distinguen de los demás hombres ni por el país, ni por la lengua, ni por las costumbres que observan […] Pasan sus días en la tierra, pero son ciudadanos del cielo. Obedecen las leyes prescritas y, al mismo tiempo, las superan con su vida. Aman a todos los hombres y son perseguidos por todos.

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This text shows glimpses of Christianity in the first centuries of its existence, in his own words.

-Clement of Rome writes around the year 96:
We know many among us who have given themselves up to bonds, in order that they might ransom others. Many, too, have surrendered themselves to slavery, that with the price that they received for themselves, they might provide food for others.

-Letter to Diognetus, sometime in the years 125 to 200:
Christians are distinguished from other men neither by country, nor language, nor the customs which they observe […] They pass their days on earth, but they are citizens of heaven. They obey the prescribed laws, and at the same time, they surpass the laws by their lives. They love all men, and are persecuted by all.

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Ce texte montre des aperçus du christianisme dans les premiers siècles de son existence, dans ses propres mots.

-Clément de Rome écrit vers l’an 96 :
Nous en connaissons beaucoup parmi nous qui se sont livrés aux liens, afin de pouvoir en rançonner d’autres. Beaucoup aussi se sont livrés à l’esclavage, afin qu’avec le prix qu’ils ont reçu pour eux-mêmes, ils puissent fournir de la nourriture aux autres.

-Lettre à Diognète, entre 125 et 200 :
Les chrétiens ne se distinguent des autres hommes ni par le pays, ni par la langue, ni par les coutumes qu’ils observent […] Ils passent leurs jours sur la terre, mais ils sont citoyens du ciel. Ils obéissent aux lois prescrites, et en même temps, ils dépassent les lois par leur vie. Ils aiment tous les hommes, et sont persécutés par tous.

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This text shows glimpses of Christianity in the first centuries of its existence, in his own words.

-Clement of Rome writes around the year 96:
We know many among us who have given themselves up to bonds, in order that they might ransom others. Many, too, have surrendered themselves to slavery, that with the price that they received for themselves, they might provide food for others.

-Letter to Diognetus, sometime in the years 125 to 200:
Christians are distinguished from other men neither by country, nor language, nor the customs which they observe […] They pass their days on earth, but they are citizens of heaven. They obey the prescribed laws, and at the same time, they surpass the laws by their lives. They love all men, and are persecuted by all.

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Questo testo mostra scorci del cristianesimo nei primi secoli della sua esistenza, con le sue stesse parole.

-Clemente di Roma scrive intorno all’anno 96:
Conosciamo molti tra noi che si sono consegnati alle catene per riscattare altri. Molti, inoltre, si sono arresi alla schiavitù, affinché con il prezzo che hanno ricevuto per se stessi, potessero fornire cibo ad altri.

-Lettera a Diogneto, tra il 125 e il 200:
I cristiani non si distinguono dagli altri uomini né per il paese, né per la lingua, né per i costumi che osservano […] Passano i loro giorni sulla terra, ma sono cittadini del cielo. Obbediscono alle leggi prescritte e, allo stesso tempo, superano le leggi con la loro vita. Amano tutti gli uomini e sono perseguitati da tutti.

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This text shows glimpses of Christianity in the first centuries of its existence, in his own words.

-Clemente de Roma escribe hacia el año 96:
Conocemos a muchos entre nosotros que se han entregado a las ataduras, para poder rescatar a otros. También son muchos los que se han entregado a la esclavitud, para que con el precio que recibían por ellos mismos, pudieran proporcionar alimento a otros.

-Carta a Diogneto, en algún momento de los años 125 a 200:
Los cristianos no se distinguen de los demás hombres ni por el país, ni por la lengua, ni por las costumbres que observan […] Pasan sus días en la tierra, pero son ciudadanos del cielo. Obedecen las leyes prescritas y, al mismo tiempo, las superan con su vida. Aman a todos los hombres y son perseguidos por todos.

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Dieser Text zeigt Einblicke in das Christentum in den ersten Jahrhunderten seiner Existenz, in seinen eigenen Worten.

Klemens von Rom schreibt um das Jahr 96:
Wir kennen viele unter uns, die sich in die Knechtschaft begeben haben, damit sie andere retten können. Es gibt auch viele, die sich selbst in die Sklaverei gegeben haben, damit sie mit dem Preis, den sie für sich selbst erhalten haben, andere mit Nahrung versorgen können.

Brief an Diognetus, irgendwann in den Jahren 125 bis 200:
Die Christen unterscheiden sich von anderen Menschen weder durch das Land noch durch die Sprache noch durch die Sitten, die sie einhalten […] Sie verbringen ihre Tage auf der Erde, aber sie sind Bürger des Himmels. Sie befolgen die vorgeschriebenen Gesetze und übertreffen sie gleichzeitig mit ihrem Leben. Sie lieben alle Menschen und werden von allen verfolgt.

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