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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Primer desafío en la era de los Smartphone para ser discípulo de Jesús es la procrastinación. Di conmigo procrastinar. Más fuerte procrastinar. Cuántos han escuchado esa palabra antes? Es una nueva palabra que se está utilizando actualmente. Procrastinar quiere decir aplazar tareas importantes por otras tareas irrelevantes, pero que nos resultan más gratificantes. Lo explico de una manera práctica. Todos sabemos lo que es la procrastinación. Tenemos que entregar un trabajo importantísimo en nuestro colegio. Nos quedan apenas tres días y tenemos que hacer una redacción de 50 páginas. Te pones en la mesa con tu ordenador, tus libros, tu cuaderno, te preparas para escribir y una hora después estás viendo vídeos en YouTube de cómo amamantar ornitorrincos. Eso se llama procrastinar. Y ese es el desafío para nuestra generación, es gastar tiempo valioso en cosas estúpidas. Mira, hay un montón de cosas estúpidas en las cuales estás gastando tiempo, por ejemplo, los videojuegos infinitos. En mi época, los videojuegos. Yo soy jugador de videojuegos, pero tenían un principio y tenían un final Super Mario Bros. Tenías un objetivo. Ibas pasando de pantalla y te podían matar y terminaba el juego. Pero te has dado cuenta de que los videojuegos de hoy son infinitos? No termina nunca, simplemente estás uniendo puntos o juntando colores, o haciendo que una pelotita haga algo, acumulando puntos, puntos, puntos, puntos, puntos, puntos cuando tiene al final nunca tiene final. Leer Más
Y esto es lo que pasaría si coges el texto que te enviemos con este servicio de transcripción y lo pasas por el traductor automático a inglés, por ejemplo.
Speaker 0 00:00:00:00 First challenge in the Smartphone age to be a disciple of Jesus is procrastination. Say with me procrastinate. Louder procrastination. How many have heard that word before? It’s a new word that’s being used these days. Procrastinating means putting off important tasks for other tasks that are irrelevant, but that we find more rewarding. I explain it in a practical way. We all know what procrastination is. We have a very important assignment due at our school. We have just three days left and we have to write a 50-page paper. You get at your desk with your computer, your books, your notebook, get ready to write and an hour later you’re watching YouTube videos on how to breastfeed platypuses. That’s called procrastination. And that’s the challenge for our generation, is spending valuable time on stupid things. Look, there’s a lot of stupid things that you’re spending time on, for example, infinite video games. In my day, video games. I’m a video game player, but they had a beginning and they had an end Super Mario Bros. You had a goal. You went from screen to screen and you could get killed and the game was over. But have you realized that video games today are infinite? It never ends, you’re just joining dots or collecting colors, or making a little ball do something, accumulating points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, points, when you get to the end, it never ends. Leer Más
And we spend hours playing endless, ridiculous games and the worst? What I have not yet come to understand. Watching videos on YouTube of how others play infinite video games. Am I telling the truth or not? Another stupid thing we spend time on is marathon series. Because in my generation, when you wanted to watch a series, you had to wait one episode per week. And saved a special day for your favorite series. Now, on platforms like Netflix you get the whole season at once, to the point that you can marathon the series. I have friends who in 24 hours have watched an entire season without interruption. But there is another thing that seems even more stupid to me is this tendency to scroll senselessly on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll. You open each of the apps, then try to think what you saw and don’t remember and open them again. Then you realize how much time you’re wasting just going through the motions. What, what, what? What educates you, what teaches you? What do you learn? Nothing. And what I have come here to tell you at this point is that as a disciple you have to understand. That your time is the most valuable resource you have and God is going to ask you to account for what you have done with that time. There are a lot of parables that talk about this, for example, the parable of the talents. Jesus gave talents, that is, resources, currencies, skills to people, different resources and he told them I’ll leave it to you, but I’ll come back and I want to see what they have yielded. Now, how many of you here know that the most valuable resource we have is. Time. And time must yield to Jesus, because He is going to hold us accountable, and what many young people here don’t realize is that time is a limited resource. Procrastination feeds on the illusion that time is unlimited, that there is no pressure, that there is no deadline. But it’s not true. I want you to look at this grid. Put it on, please. This is the grid of the years of your life. Hopefully you start at zero years and work your way up to 90. This grid in each column has 52 squares that equal the 52 weeks of each year. These are all the weeks of your life. If you are able to live to age 90, 52 weeks per year, for 90 years. This is it. The table of your time resource. I made it for myself. And I realized that I have already consumed 33 years of my life. Thirty-three years of my life. That’s practically a third of my life if I live to be 90 years old. But of course, I’ve realized that with the lifestyle I lead, I may only make it to 70. I have some close family members who have died of cancer and it’s not that I wish me any ill will, but I’m aware that life is slipping away. And what if I only make it to 60? Then I’m already halfway there. I want you to take a good look at this chart. Because this is the resource that God has given you. God has given you a limited time on this planet Earth so that you can produce an eternal effect. You have to invest your time in something that can produce an eternal benefit. Make your life count because your life has a due date. Listen to me one day you will be face to face with Jesus and he will tell you what did you do with the time I gave you? Look into my eyes and he will look at you with those eyes of fire that will pierce your soul and all your secrets will be revealed before him. And on that day, what are you going to offer Jesus? Are you going to say Here, Jesus, these are all the followers I have accumulated in my social network? Or maybe you’re going to tell him Jesus, here, this is the score I achieved playing Fortnite. Or look at Jesus? All the selfies I took in different locations with a duck face. What are you going to give Jesus that day? What are you going to give Jesus? Because salvation is by grace. But rewards are by works and it is not that God has called you to be successful as this world says success is. God has called you to be faithful with what he has given you. Because I’ve noticed that a lot of young people here I’m really good at accomplishing stupid things. And there’s something worse than failing in life and that’s succeeding at the wrong things. I’m going to tell you again. There’s something worse than failing at life and succeeding at the wrong things? What good is being the best video game player? Maybe that’s the wrong thing. I know many of you wish you could be like him. Does anyone know who El Rubius is? The most famous youtuber in Spain who earns 30 euros. A month, thanks to people like you, who see how he makes nonsense. And some would dream. If I was an influencer like El Rubius playing videogames and doing stupid challenges and taking pictures with my cats. Listen to me. Don’t want to succeed at the wrong things. Because those things don’t produce anything for eternity. Is anyone understanding me here? It makes sense yes or no. Second challenge. It’s the challenge of apathy. Say with me stronger apathy, apathy. I don’t know if the pastors here will agree with me, but I’ve noticed that as the years go by there is a widespread phenomenon. In our generation and it is apathy. What is apathy in definition? Apathy is the desensitization to any stimulus, ie lack of feelings. And sociologists are beginning to associate this desensitization of our mind with the prolonged use of smartphones and mass consumption of images, videos, tweets, information. That is, as if the oversaturation of stimuli affects our ability to feel emotions. For example, when I was young, before the era of smartphones, there was one youth event a year, we saved money to go to one youth event a year, where we saw a stage with good speakers, lights, groups from the United States and England came, and I saved money all year long. Excited, excited with the idea of that congress arriving with a week to go, it would give me. It even gave me a stomach ache to think that there were only 7 days left in Tabacalera because of my nerves. I was excited and when I was there I had so much expectation that God flooded me with revelation. I had encounters with God, it was awesome. I would finish the event and when it was over I would go home crying, in my car, in my friends’ cars because of what I had experienced. Now you don’t realize that now we have so many events, so many things, that we already go from event to event without any expectation. What’s more, now we can go on YouTube and we can watch Gilson’s world event with the best production, speakers and music groups. And when you go to your local church and you see the little sister with the little guitar, you say «What is this? Why is that? Because apathy is a product of overstimulation of your brain. The more things your brain sees, the more things your brain is exposed to, the less you feel. For example, if you eat spicy food constantly and you over stimulate your tongue with spicy food, eventually, after months or years your tongue will not feel the spicy food anymore, but it will not perceive the spicy food the same and it will not be able to perceive other flavors. Now, if what you over stimulate is not your tongue, if it is not your brain what will happen is that apathy, you will not feel emotion because your brain is over stimulated. Look, you will understand what I mean. I used to be very shocked by violence. But as the years have gone by I’ve watched a lot of series that show acts of violence or zombies, or people losing a limb being killed in cold blood. And I’ve realized that by over stimulating my brain with so much violence. Now, when I see on the news the terrorist attack that has happened in Afghanistan and they show me images of severed limbs. I no longer feel the same impact because I have become desensitized. Before, for example, I experienced a lot of impact with suffering. When I saw, for example, the image of a little black child in Africa, skinny, full of flies, who couldn’t eat, I almost took that NGO ad off the TV because I couldn’t stand it. Now. Now, more and more, the news is putting images, videos of explicit suffering, to the point that I can go walking through the streets of my city and see a poor man lying on the ground and just walk over him without feeling anything at all. Before. If I saw two men kissing each other on the mouth. I would look away. Because it was like something that made me uncomfortable, but when the TV is showing you men kissing each other on the mouth, in all the programs, in all the series, in all the movies. Suddenly there comes a moment when you don’t feel the same impact anymore. Why is that? Because you become desensitized by oversaturation. Is anyone understanding me? Look at your timeline. Occupying the same space one after the other, you can see news like these. The photo of the latest Real Madrid signing. Then a selfie of a friend of yours and then the news about a pandemic in Africa with thousands of deaths. Then a video of a kitten and then the news of a suicide of another famous person. And then a SpongeBob meme. And then the testimony of a woman raped by four men. And then a picture of a dessert. All in a row. All occupying the same space, all coming through your mind at the same speed, until your mind thinks that a rape and a SpongeBob meme are the same thing. And you can be reading dramatic stuff and then be laughing at a picture of a kitten. Because we stop feeling. Recently there was a controversy over the famous youtuber Poul Logan. He went to the forest in Japan, known as the forest of suicides, because people commit suicide there every day, and he went to record a video and he stood in front of a person who had taken his own life, who was hanging in a tree, and he started to say grace and then he posted it on his YouTube channel, a YouTube channel that has millions and millions of views. And I wonder what is happening to us? What is happening to our generation? What is happening to us is that we are already laughing at the pain, we are becoming desensitized, because how many of us here have laughed at a viral video? Of a street rower. Or of someone suffering an accident. And we watch that video. Haha, how funny!
But we know what the people in that video that is making us laugh so much have suffered. Is anyone understanding what I mean? I end this point here. As a disciple you have to understand. That you cannot allow yourself the pleasure of desensitizing art, because being a disciple implies loving what Jesus loves and hating what Jesus hates. That is, to feel like Jesus. And do you know what was the feeling that most accompanied Jesus in the face of pain, compassion? That word in Greek with passion could be literally translated as love that makes your insides ache. And whenever it says that Jesus felt compassion, we see that Jesus made an action of commitment. Jesus felt compassion and fed them. Jesus felt compassion and healed him. Jesus felt compassion and freed the Son from that person, from that demon. We have traded compassion for a ripostó on our social network with a famous hashtag that says Never Again and a sad emoticon. We have exchanged compassionate action for putting a post on our social networks and I will tell you one thing, there is no poorer way to live compassion than that. Is anyone understanding what I mean? Third point. Third challenge. That’s only five and we’re done. Third challenge. The noise. More and more often I hear young people tell me and Thiel is that I don’t hear the voice of God. And you have that I’m not able to hear what God is saying to me now I’m going to tell you one thing. There is one thing I know for sure, for sure, for sure, for sure about God. And that is that God is constantly speaking. God speaks. But maybe the reason you are not hearing his voice is not because he is not speaking to you. It’s because there’s too much noise in your mind. And when I’m talking about noise in your mind, I’m talking about what sociologists talk about being in multitasking mode. For example, in multitasking mode is this I’ve found myself listening to a preaching while typing a guasap, while playing with my little girl on the carpet with my foot and while I’m thinking about what I’m going to do an hour later. Multitasking mode, that is, having our mind loaded with a lot of things, to the point that our ability to concentrate is decreasing since we have become accustomed to constantly doing things non-stop. Always answering a message on Instagram, on Twitter, on Facebook, attending to notifications, watching videos, putting on the playlist of the music we like. We don’t have a single moment of silence in our mind. And dear ones, there is no way you can hear God’s voice if you drown out His voice with the constant noise in your mind. The revelation of God’s voice requires disconnecting yourself from multitasking mode. You need to leave your mind in silence. But we seem to run away from silence. It seems that as soon as it comes to silence we feel uncomfortable. I had a young man tell me when I’m home alone, I turn on the TV to listen to some background noise, otherwise I feel uncomfortable. Have you noticed that we run away from silence? What are we afraid of? The voice of our conscience. To the voice of responsibilities, to the voice of God. Because before, God, before smartphones, could catch you in the bathroom while you were going to relieve yourself. But now we go to the bathroom. We sit on the throne and we take. The smartphone. At what point is your mind silent so you can hear the voice of God? Sometimes I think the bing bing of your cell phone notifications has more authority over your life than the voice of the Holy Spirit. Why? Because your cell phone notifications can interrupt you at any time. But the Holy Spirit finds no way to interrupt you at any time. The pin pin has interrupted conversations, dinners, tea interrupted in the midst of God’s presence in worship. But tell me, when God finds a way to interrupt you to tell you to do my will in something. When we do not have our mind in silence, the voice of God does not find a way to resonate in us because we drown it out with so much noise. So many messages, so many videos, so much music, so many networks. So much noise that we don’t hear God’s voice. Look, I realized that this was a problem. In my prayer times. It’s a war. I get into prayer. And you know how hard it is for me to concentrate. I’ve already decided that when I get into prayer I leave my cell phone in another room and I still need 15 minutes, 15 minutes to do mental disconnect exercises. Because my mind is. When I go to pray I come up with everything I have to do for the day and until I manage to get my mind at peace. I need 15 minutes to finally. To be talking. And listening. Good bye. Does anyone understand me? 4 I’m coming to the end. Fourth challenge. The critique here gets good. Say critique with me. A lot of criticism. We live in a time in history where comparison has risen to global levels. Before the age of smartphones, you could compare yourself to your family circle, your work circle, your church circle, and like it or not, when you have a small circle you can always be the best looking or the smartest of the best at playing the guitar or the best at doing I don’t know what, or the most athletic. But when you take the comparison to global levels. It’s heartbreaking. Because there’s always going to be someone who’s better than you at anything. And the comparison has reached such levels that sociologists say that every time we surf our networks and see the posts of the people we follow, we feel more disgruntled than encouraged. Why? Because finally. You are seeing an extraordinary moment of a person while you are living an ordinary moment in your life. For example, you see someone vacationing in the Caribbean while you are making your bed in your room. Or you see how someone is preaching at a big event while you are cleaning the dishes or dishes at home, and then you compare a stellar moment of a person posting on their social network with your off-camera moment, doing any ordinary day-to-day thing. And how do you feel after that? Depressed you say my life is garbage. I’m not that good looking, I’m not that smart, I’m not that successful. But let me tell you something. Everything that is posted here is only 1 percent of the truth and 99 percent of the lie of your life. But instead of understanding that comparing ourselves to these pictures of the people we follow is ridiculous. We get into the game. And what do we do after we compare ourselves? We enter into competition. And how do we do it? Do we take a photo or a video of ourselves? Or do we record a video of us doing something to show our followers that we too have an exciting life, that we too are beautiful, that we too are successful, and we enter the competition. You don’t want to call it that, but you know that deep down what drives you is not wanting to share your experiences with people, what drives you. It’s the dissatisfaction you feel with your life. A little bit of envy and the need you have for someone to validate you by putting a lay tomb. That’s what drives you. Deep down, you and I both know that. Now I want you to listen to me here, please. If you enter competition, what does every competition need? A judge. A judge to score, a judge to evaluate, a judge to set the score and i lb points or take them down. And do you know who is the judge of your imaginary competition, of that competition that you have imagined? It is you. You score, you evaluate, you become a critic. And that worries me a lot, because I have never, never, never seen so much criticism as in the age of social networks. People that social networks have made them think that they have the right to rate everything. They have to rate the Uber service, they have to rate the movie they’ve seen, they have to rate the restaurant they’ve been to. They have to rate everything, until eventually we rate people as well. In fact, we now rate people as more or less important, depending on how many followers they have. In fact, there are people that we decide to answer a message or not on social networks, depending on how many followers the person who has written to us has. And we rate people to the point that when we see someone. And we don’t like something they do, we say. I’m not going to put a link to see if she finds out that I don’t like her. Or we threaten her by saying. I’m going to unfollow you because I don’t like what you post anymore and in the end that’s what we’re getting into judging people by what we see here. Look, Twitter is horrible, horrible. I have seen on Twitter people talking with a violence. Answering others mockingly, taunting or even being nasty or violent in ways that they would never dare to do face to face. And for example, this is an example in my social network, at the wedding of Kike Pavón, who decided to sing a romantic song to his wife by Alejandro Sanz because he wasn’t going to sing chariots of Pharaoh. You know what I mean? So Kike prepared a beautiful song by Alejandro Sanz and I thought it was such a romantic moment. God was there at the wedding. We could feel God’s presence and we were all enjoying that romantic song that he was singing to Natalia. And I took out my cell phone and started recording and I recorded my wife and I dancing a little bit while Quique’s voice was singing an Alejandro Sanz song. What I couldn’t believe was the comments that came in afterwards. Hundreds of comments criticizing me and saying things about me, as judges, saying and valuing my spiritual life. In fact, there was a message that literally said this and Thiel I thought you were a Christian, but you are a pure apostate profiting with the name of Jesus. Keep it up and the lake of fire awaits you. If you don’t repent. And the guy was so wide and so justified the guy. But I’ll tell you something behind your avatar you can be very brave, but much of what we say through the networks, that biting criticism, that mockery with which we express ourselves, we would never dare to do it face to face. But your social network speaks of the abundance of your heart. Maybe finally that is evidence of what we have in our heart and maybe we are rotten with envy, rotten with judgment, rotten with backbiting. And as a disciple, you must not forget that you have not been called to criticize. You have been called to love and even to love people who are wrong. And even more so if those people are your brothers. When you see that a brother does something he shouldn’t do and posts it on his social network, don’t fill him with criticism. Fill him with love and if you want to exhort him, call him privately or meet him face to face. But never dare. Never dare to make a public criticism because your words have power. The Bible says it Love covers a multitude of sins. But criticism destroys a multitude of relationships. Nowadays it has suddenly become fashionable for heresy hunters on the Internet. I was ashamed. The heresy hunters are groups of people who publish videos on their channels, by the way, with thousands of reproductions, criticizing ministers, pastors, women pastors, taking phrases out of context and saying if they are apostates and are going to go to heaven or not. And I say be careful, because maybe trying to win a battle, the battle of being right, we are losing the real war. Because in the end this war is a matter of love. Whether or not we love someone, you are understanding me and I’m done. 5. The last point. The challenge of disconnection. How many of you here agree with me, that we have a global connection, but at the price of a local disconnection. What does that mean?
I think the smartphone. Trying to connect us to the world, is disconnecting us from the world around us. By trying to be connected, we virtually disconnect from the moments and people around us. You are missing vital moments. For example, we lose a vital moment. By trying to capture it. That is, instead of living that moment, we try to record it, take a picture, make a life, instead of living, we capture it. And what happens? You look at life through the screen of your smartphone? I find it ridiculous to see photos of great concerts, of awesome bands and suddenly they take a photo of the audience and what is the whole audience doing. Watching the band through your smartphone screen, buy the DVD later, you clown. You’re at the concert of your life. Put your phone away and live in the moment. Stop trying to record it, just be present there, enjoying it with all your senses. People don’t understand, they don’t understand. We do that even in moments of praise and worship. All of a sudden the presence of God comes and instead of getting into the river flowing in the presence of God. For some reason we say I’m going to take out my cell phone and I’m going to record this. And instead of living it, you miss it. But not only that, I’ve also realized that we miss out on meeting people who could be the important people in our life. We are at a table and we feel uncomfortable with the situation. We are at the table with people around and when that awkward silence comes. What do we do? We take out our cell phone. And we hide behind the screen when an awkward silence is an opportunity to ask questions to the person in front of you. It’s an opportunity to get to know who the person in front of you is and perhaps discover. That person is really a treasure you didn’t know about. But not only that. I also realize that we miss opportunities to connect spiritually with our brothers. The WhatsApp groups in the churches. All of a sudden a little brother says. Brothers, I need prayer because I am going through a bad time in my family. And what do we all do? Emoticon of two hands together praying. Emoticon of two hands together praying. But then not for hours. Don’t be a liar. That first praying and then hours. But you think an emoticon of two little hands with a sentence of a verse? You can substitute the act of going to the house of that person who is suffering, hold their hands, look them in the eyes and tell them I am here with you. Let us pray together. Never can an emoticon substitute for two hands embracing the one who is suffering. We are never missing vital opportunities to connect with our brothers and sisters, substituting everything with a little message. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. We put in the chats and you’re not even laughing. And we are missing out on the opportunity to laugh face to face, laugh out loud, with another person. As a disciple, you don’t have to forget that your master didn’t send us a message in heaven, he didn’t even send one of his better angels to get in touch with us. Your master Jesus became incarnate. And he made himself present to embrace us, to look us in the face and say I am here with you. And that is what God is calling us to be present to. Because your presence speaks more than any post you can make on your smartphone. Let me tell you this I’m done. Your eyes were not designed to behold the glare of your smartphone. Your eyes were designed to behold the brightness. Of God’s glory. Y. Maybe what we have to do every smartphone has a little button here on the side, that if you hold it down you know what happens. No? Saba. Maybe this is the most powerful button to save your spiritual life. Sometimes we have to disconnect from the ephemeral to connect to the eternal. Sometimes we have to disconnect from the smartphone to connect to God’s purposes. On this earth. And I want to show you the last image. And I’m not going to say much anymore, I just want you to look at it. Don’t miss Jesus, don’t miss Jesus looking at the world through the black mirror. When He is inviting you. To have a face to face encounter. Do you know why I made this message, pastor? Because after an event, an event like this, an event where God came, there were healings, baptism of the Holy Spirit, people converting, the presence of God was there, it was awesome. It was one of those days that I could feel the presence of God so strong on my body that I could only say God is here, God is here. And I remember the time was up and you know the events, well sometimes you have to say it’s over and somebody came up and said it’s over. And I went down the stairs. And I’m a close person. I like to be in touch with people. I’m not a superstar who goes in the back. Don’t touch me. No, no, no. I like to be in contact with people. And I walked past people thinking that everyone was experiencing the same thing I was, that we had experienced a sacred moment. But all of a sudden around me gathered 50 desperate young people with their smartphones telling me and Thiel and Thiel a picture, a picture, a picture, a picture. And Thiel and he has a photo. And I got angry. I got angry, I looked at them and I said Listen to me well. We have just been in the presence of Jesus. And you want to ask me for a picture? Now is not the time. A generation that is not able to differentiate a sacred moment is a generation. That is drunk on smartphones, that thinks that a photo with the preacher is more important than an experience with Jesus Christ. And that worries me. I’m going to pray for you. Close your eyes, Lord. I pray that all these young people who have been called to be disciples of Jesus. They don’t boycott their calling. Because of smartphones. Lord, I pray that they do not waste their valuable time on stupid things, nor that they become insensitive from so much seeing, so much looking, so much listening and that they may continue to feel compassion. Lord, I ask that they may hear your voice. May they not have in their mind always full of noise, always thinking about something, always doing something on the smartphone, may they be silent to listen to the sweet voice of the Holy Spirit. Lord, I ask you to stop comparing and competing and instead of criticizing, criticizing, criticizing and ranking everything as if their opinion is so important. Learn to love and above all to love your brothers and sisters. Lord, I ask you. That they connect. But that they connect with what they are living in the moment, that they do not lose themselves. People to the transcendent moments by trying to record a video, to make a life. Or looking at the timeline of their social network. Lord, may they not miss out. Your glory. Comforting themselves with the glow of their smartphone, I pray for them in Jesus’ name. Amen. God bless you.