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The Testimony of Lazarus

From utter destruction to divine destiny.

This is the story of a man who traded God’s unfailing love for the lies of the devil, eternal relationship with the Creator of heaven and Earth for the fleeting pleasures of sin.

This is the story of how I, through worship of the devil, lost everything, but when I called out to Jesus, He raised me from the dead with one touch.

This is The Testimony of Lazarus.

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158 Pages
Print length
Trilogy Christian Publishing
September 1, 2021
Published on
English, Spanish
Paperback, ebook, audiobook
158 Pages
Print length

About the Author

Jared Rice was raised to life by the hand of Jesus Christ in February 2020 and called by the
Lord to begin his ministry in Ohio. Since Jared arrived in North Canton, Ohio, he has been
variously used by God to witness to the lost and pray for the sick and see them recover.

He is a member of Faith Family Church in North Canton. He has made it the intent of his life to live for God twenty-four
hours a day, removing anything from his life that would take the place of God or interfere with an intimate relationship with Him.


Jared Rice


North Canton, Ohio

Once upon a time, in a life that was not a life but more of a zombie-like existence, I made a choice. Placed before me were the kingdom of God and my part to play in that kingdom, or an option to go after the things of the world and forsake the anointing and ministry, which God had given to me. I chose myself. I chose the world. I chose death and destruction rather than life and deliverance. I chose money and worldly power over the glory God had sat before me.

Throughout my life, I have been stubborn and stiff-necked. I have been hard-hearted. I have been rebellious, hateful, and violent. I gave God one million reasons to hate me, but He looked past all of those reasons, saw me through the blood of Jesus, and loved me anyway.

This is the story of my fall from God. This is the story of how I lost sight of His love. This is the story of how I chose the grave over the garden. This is the story of how, when I came to the end of me, Jesus called me forth from my tomb. This is The Testimony of Lazarus.